In this day and age there should be no unanswered questions. With most folks having a smart phone every answer is literally at your fingertips. Sometimes you just have to know where and how to look.
The Wanted Channel was born from this idea that information shared with the public could not only be a valuable resource for Law Enforcement but would give the public additional knowledge to stay safe.
In keeping with this information sharing goal we have written a guide to help you in developing a security plan for your home.
In this guide you will find tips, tricks and some great ideas to either get you started or as a supplement to what you may already be doing.
This guide has been put together by our CEO, T.D. Brazie, it calls upon his 20+ years of Law Enforcement experience and walks you through many areas and aspects of home security.
While no guide can be all encompassing the goal is to get you in the mindset of staying safe, being aware of your surroundings and not being a victim.
We have the guide for sale here on our web page under the Store as well as on Amazon Kindle through the Amazon Kindle store.
Please give it a read and let us know what you think.
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